Applicants may submit applications for Session 2020A now through noon (CST) November 15, 2019. Once again, we would like to inform applicants of some changes made to the process this session.
Application Changes
We no longer require applicants to list the last three Scanlan Foundation grant awards that they have received. Minor changes have been made to the questionnaires for Catholic high schools and college or university campus ministries. Please note that all applicants must now submit a completed IRS W-9 form.
Policy Changes
We now require all applicants to use the corresponding session’s application form.
Additionally, all returning applicants must have submitted a Scanlan Foundation IRS receipt form for all grant awards as of Session 2019A in order for all current and future applications to be processed.
Likewise, all Catholic high school applicants must have submitted a Scanlan Tuition Assistance Report form for all grant awards as of Session 2019B in order for all current and future applications to be processed.
Please contact to request any of the forms listed above.
Timeline for Session 2020A
All applications and required paperwork must be received by noon (CST) on Friday, November 15, 2019. The Scanlan Foundation Board of Directors will meet in late February 2020 to decide on Session 2020A applications. Decision letters and award checks will be sent no later than April 30, 2020.